Sunday, September 30, 2012

I "love" Sundays like this....

I wasn't at school for three days and I have had to learn so a lot today! Like, tomorrow we'll have french test and maybe biology test, too and my chemistry teacher is going to ask that evil question "Who wants to talk with me?" (But she's really weird so she asks that in "Who's interested in having a dialog with me?" form) and maybe it will be me. And, what's even better, on tuesday we'll have another test, this time geography. I hate that subject, it's so damn hard and our teacher is really strict! Well, tommorow is going to be very interesting and entertaining day- I will be learning all afternoon. I f*cking love my life!


Saturday, September 29, 2012


Within Temptation- Somebody that I used to know (cover)

One of few current comercial songs I like. And I like this cover too, only thing I don't like is that Sharon's voice is little bit too quite, I think.


Friday, September 28, 2012

His Majesty

Just some photos of Maestro Holopainen. Oh, I love all sides of him- that one riding a scooter in corridor just as much as the one with dark look in his ocean blue eyes. I really want to know him... he can't be a bad person, when he's writting so magic lyrics and music. I know it's weird to say, but I miss him. I haven't seen his videos, read his lyrics or something about him for quite a long time, so I miss it. Oh, jeez, I'm crazy! I'm one of that crazy fans screaming and throwing bras on musicians!!! But he's worth it!



I'm ill so I was boring, because I wasn't at school for three days ( I don't want to say school is fun, but you know, it's not so stereotyp as being at home for so long time) and I was drawing and painting, but just something easy and something I don't care about. So here it is, picture I was working on. 



My very favourite movie. I think it's genius movie, I.. I just don't know what more to say. Advice: Watch it in your mother language, because you won't be able to read subtitles and watch the story at the same time. ( At least I wasn't) I loved it from the beginning till the end and I love that open end, when you don't know.... Well, watch it. This is an order. And another thing I loved- actors. And especially one- Joseph Gordon Levitt. He's so charming...

(Oh, God, that look)


Reviews/Opinions 3

Natascha Soulfuckers:

(In original- Seelenficker)
Autenthic story's written by 17 years old prostitute depended on drugs. Without any censorship. Like... don't expect any kind of censorship, at all. The worst words you know, they are there, all of them used in every other sentence. It was shocking and disgusting but.. I don't know, after I read that I didn't have any feeling. You know what I mean? I think after few months I won't  know I've ever read something like this. 

Tess Gerritsenová Bone Garden:

This was great book! I just grabbed it in our library according to cover and that stuff written on the bottom side. And it was really good decision. I had to read it yesterday till midnight just to know the ending. It has two mixed stories- one is from 19th century and the second is in present. It's little bit scary, little bit disgusting but interesting and clever. So my advice- Read it! 


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Look what I've found. I haven't played with barbies for long time but I would like to have this one.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

At least I've got my books

Yesterday I was going home from school and there were couples everywhere. No matter if they were beautiful or ugly, tall or short, men, women, hermafrodits or aliens, all of them were kissing and holding their hands, looking to each other's eyes and I was like, okay, whatever, there is probably odd amount of people and I'm the one who's going to die alone. But I'm fine.... Don't care about me.




Within Temptation

One of my favourite WT songs. Even I really don't understand lyrics. I was on their concert in october last year. It was great, but we came little bit late, so we were somewhere in the middle of hall and we didn't see Sharon or anyone else properly

My favourite foto from that concert. Good, isn't it?



Finnaly, here are som photos from my holiday in Paris and in Disneyland. We spent four dayse here- two and half in Disneyland and one in Paris. I know it might be weird, that  we spent more time in Disneyland than in Paris, but we just love it and one day isn't enough to enjoy all the atractions.

Great atraction. Except it has totally thumped my head.

Once I'll have a house like this, with beautiful victorian garden.

A cemetery in the garden. 

Rock'n'roller coaster. The most awesome atraction!

A view from Sacre Coeur- highest place in Paris. 

 Louver. Unfotunately we didn't have enough time to go inside the museum.

Relax in front of Louvre. Best grass! I loved that people who were taking a nap here.
It was so calm and peaceful place. I could literally feel that art all around me.

Result: I still love Disneyland.
           Paris is magical, beautiful city full of art and original people. And french women are really very chic
           and charming.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One of few reasons I'm happy I live on this planet: Boooooooooks!



I was doing this bookmark for some competition. I don't know if I like it, or not, but everybody says it looks good so whatever. Here's simple tutorial, so you can see how to do it. ( Well, I don't expect you will try to) 



Nightwish- A return to the sea

We have a homework for our art and culture subject. We have to find some poetry or song lyrics with the "sea" theme. Nightwish has a lot of sea songs, but I haven't decided which one to choose yet. I was looking on this Return to the sea lyrics. It's not really about sea, but it has beautiful lyrics so I had to share it.

A star falls down from the darkened sky
Where new worlds born and die
Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow
What it means is soon to be known
Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace
On the savannah a lion licks a wounded gnu
To honor this moment even the heavens cease
Giant spiders learn how to swim
With whales they form a united kinSnakes say hello to the rats on the ground
In the meadows play merrily the fox and the houndTrilobite & Anymalocharis
The prey and the hunter
Survival of the fittest
Fall of ManSeadrops foam all empty human skulls
Those on the shores of Atlantis
Darwin's resurrection is witnessed
By turtles he used to play withHealed and happy 
She oversees

The Mother

The tyrant's return to the sea

Nightwish- Return to the sea


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Important notice

Well, maybe not that important but I like how serious it sounds... "Important notice"... Okay, I want to tell you I've decided to not post any photos of my face. You won't ever see how do I look like. There's few reasons for it. First: to protect myself. Okay, I don't expect anyone to "fall in love with me" according to my blog and start to stalk me but you know... Second: You won't judge me because of my look. Okay, only thing you won't see is my face, because I would post some photos of me. Without face :D But still, if you won't see me, I think you'll can focus on my words, my thoughts and thing I want to tell you. Third: Maybe I don't want some people to know that this is my blog. So I don't want to have my face all over here. Hope I've given you enough reasons and you understand my decision.



Sonata Arctica- Draw me

One of their bests song for me. Their slow, melancholic songs are really beautiful, I think. And this one is especially great, I don't know, maybe because of story... The story is about artist who has drwn someone and he has died week later. Later it happened with another person too, so the artist decided to never draw again. I don't know if it's a real story or just fiction, but what I love about this song is that ending.

"I will not draw again, 'till I know it's my time.
I have lived a long life, should I draw me...

Morning's here, I must have....failed"

He wanted to draw himself, he wanted to die and when he woke up, he found that it wasn't his fault that people died. It's like hope for that artist, no matter if he's real or not.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Some progress

I've made some progress with my picture again. I'm proud of myself because of that butterfly. I think it's a great idea. But I don't like hair, I'll try to make something with it, so I hope it will be better later. Here's kind of good picture. Finnaly in day light and with  camera, not the phone.


Therion- Sitra Ahra

That girl is really scary. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In school

We've had PE. Kill me. Every year, at the beginning and at the end of the year we have to do some tests to prove our physical skills. The worst is "12 minutes". You have to run for 12 minutes. It doesn't sound that bad, but it is. I think it's unnaterul to run when there's no one chasing you. Like.... Why you should run? It's not what our bodies were supposed to do. We were meant to be sit, lay or walk (in some special cases). But there's that satanic thing called PE and it completely ruins this theory.


Okay, I'm not THAT lazy. I had dance classes for about seven years, zumba classes for year ( this year I'm starting again). But I just hate running. Really hate.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Drawing once again

Today I have been drawing, I have been working on my Cadence of her last breath again and I kind of don't know what to think about the result. Some things went right but some went wrong. Well, we'll see what's it going to end up like. I'm really curious. What about you? And what do you think about this piece?


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Home sweet home aka I want to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was awesome, everything was awesome and Paris is beautiful, romantic city which I want to live in. But reality is, that tomorrow I'm going to school, I'll see about 20 schoolmates that I don't like( and about 10 that I hate) and Paris will be just sad memory. Till that time I'll pretend I'm still in France living beautiful bohemian life. La vie est belle!


Saturday, September 15, 2012


Right now in Louvre :) First time I've connected on wifi in Paris. But it's still amazing. And Disneyland too, of course.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Tomorrow I'm leaving for five days in France- Paris and my beloved Disneyland. ( I love Paris, too, of course)
I'm really looking forward but I hate packing and right now I'm very tired, I don't know why. I don't know if I connect to wifi somewhere in France, maybe on hotel, but if I will I'll let you know how is it there. And when I came back, prepare yourselves to never-ending stooories..... nananaa nananaa nananaaa. See you soon quys, enjoy your week and don't forget me :) And here you you can check some photos from last year.



Carla Bruni-  Quelqu'un m'a dit

Today something from my "french" side. 


In school

You know, what's really annoying?! When you're in school and almost everywhere is good wifi connection but your class is on fourth floor so you connect to...ehm,nothing. And you are really bored so you're writing post and you'll post it, when you have wifi.

Anyway, here's my picture I did in school on monday and today. It took about one hour. It's some girl depended on drugs. I don't know why I made this motive, it was just coincidence.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Thinking positive

I've survived!! Unbelievable, I've survived first day of school.. Only more than 200 left... and with every other dax we're closer and closer to next holiday. It's not that bad after all, is it?


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Summer's over

Tomorrow it's going to be kind of first day of school for me. I was on that trip and on friday we had sport day, so we did nothing and tomorrow we'll start our classes. I'm little bit confused because I don't know which books should I take.(we have more than 40 books, but we'll use just few of them. Genius system) So I've packed books which I want to return to the library. :D Now I'll read few pages of my book and good night, bon nuit, dobrú noc. (it's such a great feeling I can speak three languages :))

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Reviews/Opinions 2

S. King's Girl who love Tom Gordon

Quite a short book. I really liked this one, especially the fact it has very realistic story but Master again used some magic elements and it makes the whole book even deeper and more interesting. It's about nine years old girl lost in forest. The thing that was really annoying for me was how smart that girl is (maybe I'm just jealous). I'm almost seventeen but I would be much more helpless than this girl. And at night I would go mad. I can't imagine sleeping in forest. So...

M. Stiefvater's Shiver:

One of my favourite books. My dad bought this for my fifteen, maybe fourteen birthday and it was the perfect choice for me. I've never heard about this before but I'm really happy I've got this book in my bookshelf. It's teenage love story, little bit similar to Twilight but it's from more realistic and not that naive view. I like the Stiefvater's style of writing and I like that there are poets and lyrics in this book, too. But not lyrics from real songs, but Stiefvater's lyrics. I don't like when someone uses his or her favourite lyrics in books. Anyway, I really love this book, I've read it few times and I'm looking forward to next parts. (It's trilogy). And bonus- that beautiful cover. I simply love it. Beautiful book with beautiful cover. (I was looking on it for like an hour a day for maybe three months till I noticed that wolf) 


Next time: T. Burton: Sleepy Hollow, T. Burton: Sweeney Todd