Thursday, December 27, 2012
My winter piece...
.... is probably done. I've finished it today. I'm not like...amazed by this one, but I think it's okay. That empty space isn't empty, it's snowing there, but I'm not sure if you can see it. I was thinking about adding some small twig above her, but drawing twig is extremely hard for me, so I don't know. I'll see later.
art posts
Anna Karenina
Yesterday I was in cinema to watch Anna Karenina, so here's little review of this piece:
Beautiful. Quite the right word for this movie, I think. I really loved artistic side of it, it wasn't the typical commercial movie. ( But I haven't read the book nor seen it in theatre, so I can't compare it) I loved the mane actor (he's on the picture). At first I thought he looks like.. I don't know... he was just really funny and so, but then... Omg! He was so damn hot! I loved the potrayal of their relationship, it was amazing and really well played. Overall I love that movie and I can't wait to see it again soon.
(I have already seen that for second time)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Merry Christmas everyone!
Let me wish you Merry Christmas and very happy New Year, full of love and joy. Full of music and art and beauty you could die for. Full of falling stars and wishes, slowly snow falling and frozen trees and all the beautiful things that nature can give you. Wish you music causing shimmer and stunning art which takes your breath away and poetry that makes your heart melt. Books that makes you cry and laugh aloud. That changes your life. I wish you a year which changes your life. In just the most positive way.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Story of one story
Told you I have participate in short stories competition. Well, I didn't win. It was happening on two blogs at the same time, so you had bigger chance to win. On first blog there were four stories involved and my was... tadadadaam... fourth. Yes, I have ended up on the last place. Shame on me. I think, I can accept critism, but in this case I really can't. I was upset about what kind of critism I got. It just wasn't... objective, I think. That girl, the judge, was talking about really weird things that she didn't like about my story. And according to that stuff she was talking about she absolutely didn't understand me! That's the thing I'm mad about the most.
On the second blog I have ended up second, much better. Well, there were just three stories, so... Anyway, this judge was nice, she said some good things, overall she liked my story, but she didn't like my style. But this, well, failure, won't stop me from writing. Overall, it was just my first story!
If you want to see both critics check and
Now you can read my story and make your own opinion about it. (Sorry, it's just for slovak readers) Hope you will like it and feel free to left a comment. Doesn't matter if negative or positive.
Mademoiselle Noir
z Konca
Svetlá zhasínajú. Stmieva sa.
Celý svet sa pomaly ponára do tmy, ktorá, ak je to pravda, bude trvať navždy.
No neviem. Veľmi tomu neverím. Teda, nepochybujem o tom, že toto je
koniec. Úplný koniec, stačí sa pozrieť von a ste si tým istí. Neverím však
tomu, že je to koniec navždy. Niečo predsa musí prísť. Raz. Aj keby to malo
trvať milióny miliónov rokov, raz sa zrejme predsa len zrodí nový svet. Čo iné
sa môže stať? Predsa už nemôže nebyť nič. ( Vždy ma iritoval dvojitý zápor...
Ako môže nebyť nič?! To znamená, že je všetko!)
Takže je koniec sveta. Ak som posledná, kto prežil,(
a vyzerá to tak) toto sú posledné slová, kto kedy napíše. Ak po nás niekto
príde, bude to ich najcennejší historický nález. Svedectvo o Konci Doby
povrchnej, alebo akokoľvek budú nazývať našu dobu. Posledné slová by mali byť
duchaplné, povznášajúce a inteligentné.
Je to na hovno.
Povznieslo vás to? Možno to nie
je tá najpoetickejšia vec, akú kto kedy vypustil z úst (či pera), ale
presne to odráža moju realitu. Ocitla som sa v situácií, o ktorej asi
sníva každý. Adolescent, ktorý sa márne snaží vôbec nejako sa zaradiť do
spoločnosti a odrazu sa celý svet zrúti, nastane apokalypsa a úbohý
adolescent si môže tak akurát vytlačiť vyrážku, vyhrnúť si rukávy a ísť
bojovať o holý život. Viem, je šokujúce, že zmienený adolescent dokáže byť
aj v takejto situácií egocentrický.
Videla som to. Bola som svedkom
toho... všetkého. Keď sa začali rúcať budovy a ľudia padali z okien
na cestu, kde po nich vzápätí prechádzali autá. Všetci zakopávali o mŕtve
telá, hystericky kričali, až sa celé mesto zmenilo na uši trhajúci vreskot,
pretkávaný desivými sirénami ako nejaká zle zremixovaná pesnička. Bolo to
ubíjajúce a beznádejné. Niekoľko dní bolo mesto týrané záplavami, ktoré
nasledovali požiare a takmer neustále zemetrasenia. Už na druhý deň boli
ulice prázdne. Neostali tam nijakí ľudia. Živí. Všetci sa chceli čo najskôr
dostať preč, preč z tohto mesta, krajiny, sveta, preč zo zlého sna.
Neviem, prečo som ostala. Asi som
nevedela, kam ísť. Moju rodinu som stratila, keď sa prepadla jedna celá ulica
a praktický rozrezala mesto napoly. Okrem toho, ako ďaleko by som sa asi
dostala pešo? Možno tak dvadsať kilometrov za mesto. Nie som nijaká turistka,
priznávam. Aj tak je to už jedno. Aj keby som sa dostala až neviem kam, neskôr
by ma zrejme zožrali vlci. Postupne sa sťahujú stále bližšie k mestám. Asi
cítia pach rozkladajúcich sa tiel. Alebo cítia strach tiel, ktoré ešte žijú.
Neviem, či vlci žerú mŕtvoly, ale jedného som videla, ako vliekol nejaké telo. Vtedy
som ešte bola s rodinou a otec mi tvrdil, že to bol len pes. Neverím
mu ani slovo. Hádam ešte rozoznám vlka od psa. Okrem toho, niekto ho potom zastrelil.
A kto by už len zastrelil psa?
Najhoršie na tom všetkom je, že
ma smrť už vôbec nešokuje. Videla som umierať toľko ľudí ako nikdy
v živote, ani len v telke. A nemám čas pozastavovať sa nad tým,
že len pár metrov odo mňa práve plamene zachvátili telo nejakého muža. Môžem si
len zakryť uši pred jeho smrteľným vreskom a bežať preč, inak zhorím aj
ja. Cítim sa ako zviera zahnané do kúta. Jediné, čo mi ostalo sú základné
inštinkty a pud sebazáchovy. ( Raz som sa kohosi pýtala, či nemá pud
sebazáchovy. S potmehúdskym úškrnom odvetil:,, Ja mám pud tebazáchovy.“
Áno, dámy a páni, je to moja najromantickejšia spomienka. A to ani
len neviem, kto to povedal!)
Desí ma, že to dokážem ustáť, že
som sa z toho ešte nezbláznila. A možno aj hej. Možno preto už nemám
nijaký pud tebazáchovy.
Už nejaký čas žijem v meste
sama. Zrejme je to len pár dní, no čas teraz plynie akosi mimo mňa. Neexistujú
dni, hodiny, sekundy, nič. Je len jeden čas- čas do konca. A ten ubieha
príliš rýchlo
No takže... Asi som tu sama. Väčšinou
chodím po meste a snažím sa nájsť niekoho, kto prežil. Márne. Spávam
v jednom dome v centre, v takom, v akom som vždy chcela
bývať. V priestrannej obývačke je veľké piáno, teraz prevrátené na bok
a pod ním sú nedbalo rozsypané úlomky kryštálového lustra.
A čakám.
Niečo sa deje. Cítim, že čosi
prichádza. Asi je to Ona. Už dlho som radšej nevyšla z Domu. Ostávam vo
Veľkej izbe, ktorá má len jedno strešné okno. Zle spím a mám nočné mory.
A, áno, je to hlúpe, som hladná.
Chápem, toto vás asi nezaujíma.
Vás asi zaujíma, ako to vyzerá tam vonku. Aby ste mali čo dať do učebníc. Fajn.
Idem von.
Milí potomkovia,
vychutnajte si Koniec.
Cítim sa, akoby som stála
uprostred čiernobielej fotografie. Je tu šero, ktoré vysalo všetky farby
a ostala len špinavá šeď. Celá ulica je nehybná. Na ľavo je rad domov
s porozbíjanými oknami, na pravo mestský park. Krížom cez ulicu leží
vyvrátený strom. Jeho koruna rozbila sklo na výklade malého obchodu
a teraz leží uprostred neho a rozpačito si prezerá ten neporiadok. Na
tejto fotke nie je nikto, kto by to odpratal. Som tu len ja, jediný človek,
fotograf. Chýba mi moja rodina. Sú mŕtvi, viem to. Keď som išla okolo zrúteného
obchoďáku, spoznala som ruku mojej mamy. Trčala spod trosiek ako v nejakom
béčkovom horore. Na zaprášených prstoch som jej spoznala ošúpaný lak, ktorým si
len nedávno nalakovala nechty. Prsty tej ruky sa za mnou naťahovali, akoby ma
chceli stiahnuť so sebou do samotného pekla. Chcela som sa jej dotknúť, no
nedokázala som to. Bola to mŕtvola. Mŕtvola mojej mamy, no stále mŕtvola.
Chvíľu som tam stála, ale nakoniec som odišla. Nie som viac schopná nič cítiť.
Stala sa zo mňa bezcitná bytosť čakajúca na smrť. No veci treba brať pozitívne,
všakže. Keď vám dá život citróny, spravte si z nich limonádu. Jedine, že
by tie citróny padali horiace z neba a zabíjali všetkých naokolo. Ale
o tom sa už v príručkách nepíše. Na to nechce nikto ani pomyslieť.
It’s a final countdown!
tu ru ru tu tuuu....
Final countdown!
Veru tak. Súdny deň. Blabla...
Keby som aspoň bola veriaca. Ale úprimne... Za posledné dni som videla všeličo,
(a nemyslím len smrť, čudovali by ste sa, ako ľudia odhodia zábrany, keď
zistia, že je koniec sveta) no Boh to rozhodne nebol. Sorry, bro. Možno by som
sa predsa len mala pomodliť. Just in case...
Na druhej strane, človek by mal
asi stáť za svojím presvedčením. Kde by sme boli, keby sa každý vzdal len
preto, že mu hrozí smrť? Nebolo by nijaké „A predsa sa točí“. Zem umiera
a ja s ňou. A predsa sa točí.
Znovu je tu. Stále bližšie. Hľadá
ma a dlho jej to už nepotrvá. To Ona môže za všetko, čo sa tu deje.
Dostala už každého a do morbídnej zbierky voskových figurín už jej chýba
len jedna postavička. No tú nikdy nedostane. Aj keby ma to malo stáť... život.
To je to, čo chce. Čo jej nesmiem dať.
Je to jednoduché. Ona chce môj
život. Chce ma zabiť. A určite sa jej to podarí. Iba ak by som ju
predbehla. Čo z toho vyplýva? Dosaďte si to do rovnice, výsledok dvakrát
podčiarknite a urobte skúšku správnosti. Šiesty ročník základnej školy.
Nič viac k tomu netreba.
Idem sa zabiť.
Občas je to jediné, čo môžete
spraviť, aby ste vyhrali nad smrťou. Musím to urobiť rýchlo. Nemám na čo čakať.
Nemusíte ma ľutovať, už som sa s tým zmierila. Ak sa to dá.
Už som sa rozhodla.
Z kuchyne som si vzala nôž. Veľký a ostrý. (Viem, človek by čakal
malý a tupý) Bohužiaľ, toto nie je ako v knihe, nemôžem písať počas
toho, ako si ten nôž zabodnem do ruky a prerežem si ním žily. Nie tak, aby
ma to len zranilo, krížom cez zápästie. Musím si ich prerezať pozdĺžne, čo
najdlhší rez od dlane až po lakeť. Budem rezať, kým budem môcť. Hádam vykrvácam
rýchlo. Asi si ľahnem na dlážku vo Veľkej izbe a stropné okno na mňa bude
nehybne hľadieť.
Už je vidieť len pár hviezd.
Ostatné sú už mŕtve. Zvláštne, vyzerá to takmer, akoby svitalo. Svitá na lepšie
Ja už nemám čas.
Psychicky labilné dievča spáchalo samovraždu
v skorých ranných hodinách našli telo sedemnásťročného dievčaťa, ktoré
bolo už niekoľko dní nezvestné. Mladá Anna bola nájdená v jednej
z opustených budov v centre mesta, ktoré boli určené na demoláciu.
Našli ju dvaja pracovníci stavebnej firmy, ktorí budovu kontrolovali. Privolaný
lekár už mohol len konštatovať smrť. Mladé dievča bolo psychicky choré
a trpelo halucináciami, ktoré boli zrejme príčinou jej samovraždy. Polícia
na mieste nehody našla denník, ktorý bude podrobnejšie skúmať, aby zistila
presnejšie príčiny smrti a či išlo skutočne o samovraždu.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Progress in my picture. I had finished hair and started doing face. It's my first time with aquarel pencils! Well, doing something like face.
art posts
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
PF 2013
I'm doing a PF card for 2013 with that glitters from cd ( check tutorial in diys) so this is it in progress.( it looks quite awful, hope it will be better)
art posts
Life is too short for bad books
To read list:
J.D.Sallinger- The catcher in the rye
N. Gaiman- The graveaard book
D. Brown- The lost symbol
R. Rolland- Peter and Lucy
S. Andrews- Atlantis and Lemuria
S.King- All books
Segal Erich- Love story (I have read an short version in english- it was like 50 pages, but still I have cried!)
So that's all I can remember for now. I have a lot of work for holidays.
J.D.Sallinger- The catcher in the rye
N. Gaiman- The graveaard book
D. Brown- The lost symbol
R. Rolland- Peter and Lucy
S. Andrews- Atlantis and Lemuria
S.King- All books
Segal Erich- Love story (I have read an short version in english- it was like 50 pages, but still I have cried!)
So that's all I can remember for now. I have a lot of work for holidays.
Sweeney Todd
Tim Burton Sweeney Todd:
I couldn't choose just one picture! All of them are so perfect. So you can imagine how I love the movie. It's one of my absolutely favourites. Amazing actors, great story, beautiful costumes and all of that in Tim Burton style. Plus! Johnny Depp singing... And he sings really great, I have to say! He's not like the perfect singer, but his voice is so sexy and... I don't know. I just love it. My favourite moment: "At last!!!!! MY arm is complete again!" and then the orchestra starts to play...It's just Tim Burton's movie, I don't know what else to say. I love the music, majestic orchestral music, it's simply my cup of tea... I have to watch it again.
I couldn't choose just one picture! All of them are so perfect. So you can imagine how I love the movie. It's one of my absolutely favourites. Amazing actors, great story, beautiful costumes and all of that in Tim Burton style. Plus! Johnny Depp singing... And he sings really great, I have to say! He's not like the perfect singer, but his voice is so sexy and... I don't know. I just love it. My favourite moment: "At last!!!!! MY arm is complete again!" and then the orchestra starts to play...It's just Tim Burton's movie, I don't know what else to say. I love the music, majestic orchestral music, it's simply my cup of tea... I have to watch it again.
Sleepy Hollow
Tim Burton Sleepy Hollow:
I think it has got really good story. At first I thought it’s going to be quite simple, but it wasn’t and ending was better than I expected. It was filmed in 1999, so I thought that special effects will be more funny than scary but they weren’t. Again, it was much better than I expected. I can tell you there were a lot of cut off heads ( usually I don’t like it in movies, it always looks unreal) and they looked really realistic. There were a lot of blood on faces ( I think Tim Burton really loves bloody faces) but the whole film wasn’t scary or disgusting I think. Except one character. All characters were well played ( probably, the only thing I was looking at was my beloved Johnny) so my ratings are
Dead Zone
Stephen King Dead Zone:
Another King's book. Well, what can I say, I love him. This was a little bit shorter than other of books I've read, I think. It was very good, I like the story but.. I thought it touches me much more. I wasn't connected with the story very much, so I didn't cry at the end, even it has a sad ending. And I'm a person who cries everytime! So it wasn't one of my totally favourite, but still, it's King, so it was really great book.
Interesting trifle: He has mentioned his own book here. One girl said: "It was like in that book Carrie!".
Today there was an interesting action in our town, it was called "hockey recession". Players from our town team were playing against some amateurs guys (plus my friend) who were dressed as fairytale beings or animals. So I was there to watch my friend play. She was dressed as a chicken and it was really cute. It was very funny and I'm excited to see news from today, because there should be a report about this action, so we will see. Maybe I will be in TV! Hope not.
Friday, December 14, 2012
One of my tomcats is so fat! Look at him, it's unbelieveble... But he's still very cute and his personality is just adorable..
Well, don't expect some unusual Christmas songs. Here are few of my favourites.
John Lennon- War is over
Wham- Last Christmas
Mariah Carrie- All I want for Christmas is you
Brenda Lee- Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sometimes even walk to school can be kind of romantic. Well, it would be much better if I'm not alone but we can't have everything we want. (Yes, I try to be positive. It's very hard!)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Well, I have just joined a competiton with my first short story. The name of competition is : Short story catastrofic competition, so you can imagine what should be the theme of our works. I would like to post that story here, too, but you know, it will be very difficult to translate it, so we will see. Anyway, I can win a book ( well, it doesn't look very good, but you know...) so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Diy Glitters from CDs
Here is very simple diy of glitters made from CDs.
What will you need:
some box for glitters |
scissors |
old CDs |
1. First, take one CD and cut it with scissors.You can cut it in half, or just make a small cut and then break the CD. Be careful when breaking, it's not that easy it seems.
2. So you'll end up with something like this.
3. Take one piece and simply peel of the coat from CD with tip of your nail like this. You'll get small pieces of glitter coat. And now all you have to do is to peel of whole CD.
4. You might need to cut the CD into smaller pieces, so you will be able to peel it of easily. At the end, you'll have glitters like this.
5. If you need smaller glitters,
gently rub them with fingers.
If you want to stick it on paper,
all you need to do it is just ordinary paper glue.
So that's all. You can use it for yours christmas decorations or whatever. Me, for example, I'm going to use it for poster for English event and maybe for PF 2013 postcard.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Carmen show review
So here is Carmen review I've promised you.
It was dancing show joined with live music and one main singer, Death, who was singing some of the arias from opera. She was the only person who was talking, all of the others were only dancers. I think it was good idea, to add these dimension, that singer and live band, but it end it didn't work very good, though, because all attention was on Death and the story about Carmen itself wasn't so dramatic and heartbraking as I wished it to be.
Other thing I didn't like was dancers. Their dance wasn't... good enough, I think. It seemed really unprofessional to me. They had some kind of poker face, all the time, their faces wasn't expressive at all, so I really couldn't enjoy it. The one guy, one of Carmen's guys, "sexy bull" , toreador, was almost bald and smallet then Carmen. It was really funny. So the result isn't positive, I've expected something more definitely.
It was dancing show joined with live music and one main singer, Death, who was singing some of the arias from opera. She was the only person who was talking, all of the others were only dancers. I think it was good idea, to add these dimension, that singer and live band, but it end it didn't work very good, though, because all attention was on Death and the story about Carmen itself wasn't so dramatic and heartbraking as I wished it to be.
Other thing I didn't like was dancers. Their dance wasn't... good enough, I think. It seemed really unprofessional to me. They had some kind of poker face, all the time, their faces wasn't expressive at all, so I really couldn't enjoy it. The one guy, one of Carmen's guys, "sexy bull" , toreador, was almost bald and smallet then Carmen. It was really funny. So the result isn't positive, I've expected something more definitely.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
I'm sorry for not posting recently, but I've got few things I want to share with you:
Diy decorative balls
Diy glitters
My new clothes
Carmen review
Christmas ideas/songs etc.
Maybe my first short story, if I will be able to translate it
Recipe for Yogi tea
So keep visiting, hopefully I can make this posts asap.Till that time you can check my tumblr
Diy decorative balls
Diy glitters
My new clothes
Carmen review
Christmas ideas/songs etc.
Maybe my first short story, if I will be able to translate it
Recipe for Yogi tea
So keep visiting, hopefully I can make this posts asap.Till that time you can check my tumblr
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It snows beautiful. About two days ago first snow has appeared and now it's snowing again. I have got kind of Christmas feeling finally. Right know I'm trying to cook Indian white tea (Yogi tea) with milk. Hope it will end up as I wish.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Our northern princess
So Tarja has little Naomi! That's such a beautiful name. It has always been one of my favourites (together with Noemi, I still can't decide which one of themI like more) and now Tarja's baby... The meaning of name is beautiful, pleasant and delightfull. Well, hope that Naomi will look like her mummy, not her I've-got-enormous-nose dad. Anyway, I've heard that Naomi was born in July. What is her zodiac sign?
Sunday, December 2, 2012
We live at the bottom of an ocean of air
It's done! Finally, after few days of work I've finished my latest work. If you want to know something more about this, check older art posts, I'm not goin to write it again. Size A3, about seven hours of work, tempera and water colors. I'll let you know, if it wins something in the competition (don't expect that).
art posts
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