Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Dnes som tu len s takým rýchlym ,,ahoj", aby ste vedeli, že žijem a som ( relatívne) v poriadku. Už som tu dlhšie nebola a viem, že som vám sľúbila nejaké články- nebojte sa, nezabudla som na to, len mám teraz dosť akčný týždeň ( asi si vravíte: ,,konečne má sociálny život?" Nie, nie, v tom to nie je), kopa písomiek, konečne sa blíži koniec roka, tak nám to chcú ešte spríjemniť, ako sa dá, čiže som na blog nemala vôbec čas, ale dúfam verím, že tento víkend to všetko napravím a dobehnem a pridám sem tie články, ktoré som avizovala. Plus som sa minulý víkend zúčastnila na veľmi zaujímavej akcii, ktorá, aj keď to na začiatku vyzeralo všelijako, nakoniec dopadla veľmi dobre. Nebudem tu robiť nejaké tajnosti, bola som na takom výtvarnom kurze, ale bližšie vám o tom porozprávam v samostatnom poste.
Ešte som vám chcela povedať jednu vec, možno ste si všimli, že niektoré články, ktoré pridám, majú fotky v úplne otrasnejstrašnehroznejnajnižšejmožnej kvalite. Nie je to tým, že by som fotila ešte na nejaký drevený foťák na plyn, alebo čo. Jednoducho keď pridávam články cez mobilný blogger a hádžem tam fotky rovno z mobilu, tak tam sú v pohode, normálna kvalita, nie 2 pixely celý obrázok, ale keď článok potom pozerám v počítači tak je to úplne na... nič. Keď ale nahrám fotky z mobilu najskôr do ntb a až z ntb ich pridám, tak sú normálne, čiže asi ten blogger je nejaký na nič, no neviem. Keď neskôr robím nejaký dlhší článok  v počítači, tak sa snažím aj tie zlé fotky nahradiť tými ( dajme tomu) kvalitnými, ale aj tak to tam väčšinou pár dní je také na nič, tak aby ste ti nelámali hlavu, prečo je to tak :) Vaša najväčšia životná dilema je vyriešená, môžete si ísť umyť zuby a spinkať. Hádam sa vidíme cez víkend.


Today just quick "hello", so you know I'm alive and okay. I haven't been there for a while but I haven't forgotten that I've promised you some posts, don't be affraid. I just had bussy week and no time for blog. Plus last weekend I was on very interesting action- art course. I'll tell you more in the post.
Another thing I wanted to explain is why some of my photos are so low quality- I don't know. When I use mobile blogger the photos are just terrible and I'm sorry for that but sometimes I just don't have much time and it's much easier to use mobile. Your biggest dilemma is solved, so go brush your teeth and then straight into the bed. See you soon.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

New in

Dnes som bola v sekáči po celkom dlhej dobe a spravila som dobre, lebo som nakúpila ako dávno nie! Päť tričiek, ( aj keď jedno z nich mi asi zhabe mamina) jeden korzet (!!!konečne!!!) a úplne ňuňu sukňu. K tomu ešte jedno mega pecka tričko Batman-dark knight rises. A je to originál! To ale asi skončí u brata :/ ( pre niekoho to množstvo možno nie je žiadny extrém, ale ja nakupujem málo) Všetko to nafotím a dám sem, takže sa môžte tešiť na nový post. Plus vám ešte ukážem jeden extra jednoduchý mini diy návod, ako si vyrobiť (respektíve prerobiť) odznak. Tak sa tešte. (To je rozkaz)


Today I've been in secondhand after long time and it was great idea! I've bought many things. Five t-shirts ( one of them will be my mum's probably) one corset (!!!finally!!!) and one cute skirt. Plus one super cool Batman- The Dark Knight Rises t-shirt. And it's original! This one is going to be my brother probably :/ I'll make pictures of all of this stuff and post it here but I don't know when because right now I'm quite busy. And I'm going to show you one very simple diy tutorial for badge. So look forward to it. ( That's an order)


Monday, May 20, 2013

Flower power

Pretože keď ste štyri dni doma a nemáte čo robiť, aj fotenie kvetov vám príde extrémne zaujímavé. A ešte preto, že je vonku pekne a už dávno som sem nedávala fotky mačiek (áno, som catwoman v pravom slova zmysle).

Milujem, keď im trčí jazyk, ňuňu :)

Naša najkrajšia stena s brečtanom ( vlastne ani nie je naša)

Aha, ako vie aj mobil pekne fotiť, keď sa mu chce

Just because even taking photos of flowers gets interesting, when you're at home for four days and you have nothing to do. And also because it's nice weather outside and I haven't posted photos of my cat for long time.( yes, I'm a real catwoman)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I tagged you in my tag, it's tagged like tag, tag someone else

Na mojom tumblri ma jedna blogerka označila v tagu ( môj prvýkrát!), tak som si povedala, že ho zverejním aj tu. A rovno odpoviem aj na otázky, ktoré som dala ja ostatným. ( áno, fakt sa nudím) 

One blogger tagged me in tag ( it's my first time!) on my tumblr. So I've decided I'll put answers here and I'll answer the questions I asked other bloggers, too. (yes, I'm really bored)
I was asked:
1. Would you actually want to turn back time?

I think yes, I would like to make some things different but that’s what everybody wants to do, I think. 
2. If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Well, that’s really hard. I think of few- Ghost Love Score, Swanheart by Nightwish, Vivaldi’s Winter or maybe one of Beethoven’s… but I really can’t tell only one song.
3. When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Wow, this surprised me. I can’t even tell, it might be that one time in the letter, but that’s about half year from now. I’m the type who almost never says that and I rather show it some other way.
4. What would you do first if you woke up in 1888?
Brush my teeth, get dressed and eat my breakfast.
5. What are you most proud of?

My sense of humor, taste of music and literature and art. Physically I can’t even say- I’ve got quite nice lips and hands.
6. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
I don’t think so, at least I don’t know about it, but I hope I did.
7. Which fantasy world would you want to enter most?
Hogwarts. But it’s not fantasy world, my letter just got lost.
8. If you could meet any person who already passed away, who would it be?
Edgar Allan Poe, probably.
9. Have you ever been happy that you had made a certain mistake?
I can’t remember something like that but I think everybody experiences that time by time.
10. What’s your favourite time of day and why?
Afternoon when I came back to school and I’ve got whole afternoon for myself. Or friday afternoon, cause you have whole afternoon AND two other days. 
I ask:
1. Which of your qualities you like most and why?
I can draw quite well and I'm empathetic
2. How old would you like to be? 
Maybe 3, when I was innocent child and everything was so easy or 21.
3.If you could transform to any animal which one would it be? 
Probably bird because of freedom and the feel of flight
4.Do you believe in afterlife? If yes, describe how you imagine it. 
I really don't know what to think about this. I think there have to be something after death, so I'm thinking about reborning, probably.
5.What was the best thing that has ever happened to you? 
I started to listen to metal and it has opened completely new world to me. 
6.Have you ever seen a ghost?
No and I don't want to.
7.If you could meet any person from this world,  dead or alive, who would it be? 
My true love ( if he exists)
8.Who’s your favourite writer and why?
Probably Stepen King, because he can bring his characters to live, he gives every character his own speech, moves, memories, all that small things that make people alive.
9.Have you ever been really drunk?
No, I haven't and it looks like I'm not going to be in near future.
10.If you could have any supernatural power, what would it be?
Controling people, so I could make them stop doing all that stupid things and act like bitches.

Hádam to bolo pre vás aspoň trošku zaujímavé. 
Hopefully it was little bit interesting for you.


Whenever, wherever

Nudím sa, lebo som chorá. A samozrejme som chorá práve v ten jeden jediný deň, kedy mám po 185689 rokoch program. Dneska som mala ísť na takú kratšiu túru a večer na chatu s niektorými spolužiakmi, ale ja som radšej ochorela, aby som sa náhodou nemusela socializovať, to by bolo nepríjemné.

Nemám ani nič nové, nemám o čom písať, ale inak by som sa unudila k smrti, tak čo už. Okrem toho zakaždým, keď dám nový post tak mi vyskočia pozretia. ( alebo to bude tým, že si to pozerám ja sama?)
 Tak vám tu aspoň môžem opísať mojich posledných pár fakt nudných dní. Verím, že sa tešíte.

V pondelok sme mali zo školy fantastickú ( pozor- sarkazmus) akciu- boli sme na trojhodinovej prechádzke po lese, lebo chudáci deviataci mali prijímačky ( nezávidím), tak sme im museli spraviť miesto. Tak sme sa v blate trepali cez nejaký les, v ktorom síce nič nebolo, ale aspoň mal v tomto období asi najkrajšiu farbu, akú les môže mať. ( viem, že fotka má zase fantastickú kvalitu, ale aspoň trochu na nej vidno, aké to bolo všetko krásne zelené)

Stále trvám na tom, že nechcem zverejňovať svoju tvár, ale keď on je tu taký zlatučký :) A aj tu zo mňa skoro nič nevidno.


I'm not going to translate this article because it's just nothing interesting.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nothing to live for nothing to die for

Je to hotové a úspešne odovzdané na súťaž. Tak, ako je pre mňa typické, pri posledných drobných úpravách som narobila viac škody ako počas celého procesu tvorby, ale to by som nebola ja, aby som to na záver (skoro) úplne nedos... nepokazila. Tentokrát to boli len maličkosti ako čierna šmuha tušom cez pol tváre, jedno líce o dva odtiene tmavšie ako druhé a podobne. Našťastie sa mi to podarilo ako tak opraviť a zapaspartovať ( proste som to podlepila farebným papierom, čiže som tomu spravila rám) a odovzdať. Keď som sa však teraz začala pozerať na tie fotky, začala som si všímať všetky tie najskôr neviditeľné, no neskôr úplne do očí bijúce nedostatky. Poznáte to- konečne ste spokojný, definitívne to dokončíte a keď už to nemáte ako opraviť, uvedomíte si, že nos je úplne do zákruty, jedno oko je vyššie ako druhé a na čele sú dve gigantické modré šmuhy. No na porazenie.
Už som si aj vybrala text, ku ktorému sa to bude viazať. Keďže pôvodný názov je "Nothing to live for, nothing to die for" ( Niet pre čo žiť, niet pre čo zomrieť), rozhodla som sa pre Marocké ( píše sa to s veľkým M?) príslovie " He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for". 
(Vtipná storka: Za vetou bolo po anglicky napísané Moroccan a ja som päť minút hľadala toho pána Moroccana, aby som našla aj ďalšie jeho citáty. Ha-ha.)
Ospravedlňujem sa, že ani teraz nie je kvalita fotiek nejaká fantastická- som asi posledná blogerka na svete, ktorá nemá zrkadlovku ( a ani ju najbližšieho polroka nedostane). Niežeby som sa dáko hrozne sťažovala, ja ju k životu nepotrebujem.

Tu má ešte to ľavé líce tmavšie, nakoniec som to opravila

Keď mne sa proste páči takýto detail na oko!

It's done and I've already joined that school competition with it. It's typical for me that I screw my work at the end ( with big ink smudge on her face or one cheek darker than other- you can see it in the picture) and so did I this time but fortunately I repaired it. I've already chosen the text for it- it's Moroccan proverb "He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for".
( Funny story: I thought Moroccan is name and I was searching for another quotes from this Mr. Moroccan for five minutes till I realised what Moroccan means.)
Sorry for quality of photos- I don't have the best camera.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beltain or The night I went to cemetery

Last weeke Minulý víkend som bola na Beltaine. ( 30. apríl-keltský sviatok, oslava jari- kedysi sa na tento večer zapaľovali vatry, ktoré mali očistiť ľudí a zvieratá od nečistých myšlienok, ktoré sa v nich nazhromaždili cez zimu- milenci sa potom vydávali do lesov a celý máj bol oslavou milostných hier) Čiže v minulosti sa naši predkovia asi opili a potom usporiadali hromadné orgie. Nám sa tie orgie veľmi nepodarili, ale pili sme, čo sa do nás vošlo ( áno, mala som asi dve lyžice červeného vína a všetci ostatní boli na tom podobne) a v podstate to bola len taká prvá skoro-letná opekačka na záhrade. Ale prečo by sme tomu nedali taký vznešený názov, všakže. Každopádne to bol krásny večer, hlavne vďaka tomu, že na stromoch boli poukladané kahance so sviečkami ( znie to nebezpečne a aj bolo) a na jednom boli dokonca zavesené dve petrolejky. Vyzeralo to krásne. Z celého večera máme vlastne len jednu fotku...

...a to práve toho stromu :)
Okolo polnoci potom niekto dostal fantastický nápad- vraj Poďme sa prejsť na cintorín! A ja ( posilnená dvoma lyžicami vína) som nakoniec išla hrdinsky tiež- a neľutujem to :) Nakoniec sme neboli na civilnom cintoríne, ale na starom židovskom, na ktorý sa už nepochováva, a je zakázané tam chodiť. (Cítite vo vzduchu to rebelantsvo?) Práve tieto židovské cintoríny sú väčšinou veľmi krásne, pretože sú také staré a často aj zanedbané, so starými hrobmi medzi už vysokými stromami obrastenými brečtanom. Pre mňa sú to miesta ako z rozprávky, aj keď zrejme z nejakej morbídnej rozprávky Tima Burtona :) Každopádne sme chvíľu pobudli na cintoríne a potom sme sa ( s úplne mokrými nohami od vysokej trávy) vrátili späť k ostatným Keltom. A nebála som sa až tak, ako som si myslela, že sa budem! (Pretože ja som úplne extrémne bojazlivá) Potom sme stáli okolo ohňa, fajčili vodnú fajku, niektorí nadanejší ( a triezvejší) sa chopili nástrojov a začali hrať, improvizovali ( flauta, husle, bongo, gitara a tamburína- kto to nezažil, nevie) a ja som len neveriacky krútila hlavou a pozorovala dym stúpajúci k hviezdnej oblohe pomedzi konáre rozkvitnutej čerešne. A viete, čo je na tom najkrajšie? Že sa to všetko stalo presne takto. Čestné skautské.
Last weekend I was on Beltain- it's celtic celebration of spring. People had used to base fires and make love in forests. So I think they had just got drunk and had organized an orgy. We didn't make love ( at least me, I don't know about others) but we got drunk of course. ( it means I had about two spoons of red wine and other people were in similar state) It was really beautiful, because we put candles on trees and we hung two kerosene lamps on one tree. ( you can see on picture at the top- our only photo) Then while after midnight someone got fantastic idea- Let's go to the cemetery! So we did and it was fun and just little bit scary. We ended up on the jewish cemetery which is no longer used and it's really beautiful, abandoned, full of big trees overgrown with ivy. Then we came back, we stand around the fire, laughed, smoked water pipe and some of us took their instruments ( musical) and started to play, improvise ( violin, flute, bongo, guitar and tambourine) and I was just standing there stunned and I was watching smoke rising to the starry sky trough cherry branches. And you know what's best? That it was like this, really. I swear.


Zmena= Change

No... Prišla zmena. Rozhodla som sa, že budem asi písať po slovensky. Moje štatistiky hovoria jasne- z celkového počtu cca 2800 pozretí ( a pritom mám len 2, slovom dvoch, followerov- vážne ľudia, robte s tým niečo) je 1700 zo Slovenska a ďalších 200 z Čiech. Je to väčšina, ale stále to vychádza tak, že zvyšných 900 pozretí je z cudziny, (a keďže by som o ne nerada prišla) pustím sa klasickou zlatou strednou cestou- na konci článku bude o niečo kratší stručnejší anglický preklad. Uvidím, ako dlho to vydržím, lebo je to ešte časovo náročnejšie, ako písať len v jednom jazyku a všetci dobre vieme, že v poslednej dobe to tu nebola bohvieaká sláva. Aspoň čo sa kvantity článkov týka ( o kvalite by som radšej pomlčala). Poviem vám, čudný pocit. Odrazu prejsť z angličtiny, v ktorej ledva dokážem použiť správny čas, na našu krásnu rodnú slovenčinu, v ktorej vytvoriť jednoduché vetné konštrukcie typu podmet-prísudok asi nestačí.Treba viac- vtip, vtip, zaujímavé postrehy, trefné komentáre. Dúfam, že sa to tu aspoň občas vyskytne, lebo inak fakt neviem, na čo sme tu. Držme si palce.

Here comes the change. I've decided to start writing in slovak language with shorter translation to english language. Numbers are clear- from 2800 views (and still I have just 2 followers- shame on you, people) more than 2000 are from Slovak and Czech republic. But other 800 are from other countries and I don't want to loose them, so that's why I'm going to do this translation, too. I have to say it's quite strange feeling to write in slovak. We will see how it ends. Fingers crossed.


Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep 
I am not there. I do not sleep. 
I am a thousand winds that blow. 
I am the diamond glints on snow. 
I am the sunlight on ripened grain. 
I am the gentle autumn rain. 
When you awaken in the morning's hush 
I am the swift uplifting rush 
Of quiet birds in circled flight. 
I am the soft stars that shine at night. 
Do not stand at my grave and cry; 
I am not there. I did not die

-Mary Elizabeth Frye

Nothing to live for nothing to die for- work in progress

So my new art piece is almost done- there are few things I want to finish- shadows on the neck, for example. But still, I'm quite very happy about the result. I think I've made a big progress since the last piece. It almost scares me. I'm affraid it will get worse again. Well, we will see. I would like to use it for our school competition again- this time the theme is Illustration, so I have to find some poet or lyrics, short story or book I can use. Unfortunately, this is going to be  the last competition in our school probably because there were less and less people participating every time, so I hope I will be able to join this last time. Ouch, I'm getting nostalgic!
I hope that soon I will be able to show you whole picture, when I will have better photos than thisfrom iphone.
I've made her less orange, don't worry

The perks of being a wallflower- review

I saw The perks of being a wallflower (fun fact: it's translated to slovak language like"Charlie's small secrets"- close enough) when I was in Italy in April and so this is my opinion. 
Aaaw. It was really cute movie, it was just different than other movies that are made today. It reminded me The catcher in the rye. I know everyone compares this pieces and I can understand why. It's way of speech, way how to story goes- I really like this style. In some moments it was really touching and almost made me cry, because I could understand how he felt little bit. I mean last year I had some hard times in school, I felt very alone, so I could understand how painful it might be. ( Even though I wasn't so alone as Charlie) 
Anyway, I loved the atmosphere of this movie, ( Can anyone tell me in which decade is it? I still don't know exactly) the story, the ending, just all of it and I understand why everybody loves it. 


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Schizophrenic fight

Another pictures, because what can speak better, louder, clearer?

Present from England :)

Dude, you're so deep I can't even see you right now. 


Deer is watching you

Today I wasn't at school, because I went to doctor, so I decided to not go back to that devil's place and I rather went shopping. I've bought just one pair of tights ( but very nice and cheap). Oh, and I'm working on new art piece and I'm really excited because it's going well for now. Fingers crossed.


I'm gettin tired of your shit

(And yes, I've got new program to edit photos, so right now I'm a hipster)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Imaginaerum movie review

Finally I saw Imaginaerum movie this weekend and... well, wow. Don't be affraid, I'm not going to spoil anything.
For first about fifteen minutes I was quite confused I didn't know what to think but then it started to get clearer and clearer and at the end I understood about 90%. There were few really cool scenes, especially the one in the circus- you could see it in storytime video and then the one with arabesque in snow ball. Before I had saw movie I had thought that the arabesque will be there just for few moments, but it was a mane theme in whole movie and it was very important in all of it's parts. At the end of the movie, I was crying like little child again, because it was really beautiful and sad. I'm really sad that it lasts only about an hour and twenty minutes, so it's quite short. But still great! And of course, Tuomas was really stunning.


Here you can watch the best part of movie for me:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Summer time and the living is easy

I wish so. Hard times, easy falls.
My foot hurts, I have nothing to wear, no money and so many things to spend on. Sometimes that big small problems hurts most.


But google eyes make everything better :)