ma jedna blogerka označila v tagu ( môj prvýkrát!), tak som si povedala, že ho zverejním aj tu. A rovno odpoviem aj na otázky, ktoré som dala ja ostatným. ( áno, fakt sa nudím)
I was asked:
1. Would you actually want to turn back time?
I think yes, I would like to make some things different but that’s what everybody wants to do, I think.
2. If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Well, that’s really hard. I think of few- Ghost Love Score, Swanheart by Nightwish, Vivaldi’s Winter or maybe one of Beethoven’s… but I really can’t tell only one song.
3. When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Wow, this surprised me. I can’t even tell, it might be that one time in the letter, but that’s about half year from now. I’m the type who almost never says that and I rather show it some other way.
4. What would you do first if you woke up in 1888?
Brush my teeth, get dressed and eat my breakfast.
5. What are you most proud of?
My sense of humor, taste of music and literature and art. Physically I can’t even say- I’ve got quite nice lips and hands.
6. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
I don’t think so, at least I don’t know about it, but I hope I did.
7. Which fantasy world would you want to enter most?
Hogwarts. But it’s not fantasy world, my letter just got lost.
8. If you could meet any person who already passed away, who would it be?
Edgar Allan Poe, probably.
9. Have you ever been happy that you had made a certain mistake?
I can’t remember something like that but I think everybody experiences that time by time.
10. What’s your favourite time of day and why?
Afternoon when I came back to school and I’ve got whole afternoon for myself. Or friday afternoon, cause you have whole afternoon AND two other days.
I ask:
1. Which of your qualities you like most and why?
I can draw quite well and I'm empathetic
2. How old would you like to be?
Maybe 3, when I was innocent child and everything was so easy or 21.
3.If you could transform to any animal which one would it be?
Probably bird because of freedom and the feel of flight
4.Do you believe in afterlife? If yes, describe how you imagine it.
I really don't know what to think about this. I think there have to be something after death, so I'm thinking about reborning, probably.
5.What was the best thing that has ever happened to you?
I started to listen to metal and it has opened completely new world to me.
6.Have you ever seen a ghost?
No and I don't want to.
7.If you could meet any person from this world, dead or alive, who would it be?
My true love ( if he exists)
8.Who’s your favourite writer and why?
Probably Stepen King, because he can bring his characters to live, he gives every character his own speech, moves, memories, all that small things that make people alive.
9.Have you ever been really drunk?
No, I haven't and it looks like I'm not going to be in near future.
10.If you could have any supernatural power, what would it be?
Controling people, so I could make them stop doing all that stupid things and act like bitches.
Hádam to bolo pre vás aspoň trošku zaujímavé.
Hopefully it was little bit interesting for you.