Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Yesterday I was shopping with friend and.. well, I've got four new t-shirts. I'll definitely show you, but I haven't got any photos yet, so you have to wait a little bit. I'm going to do a new "art" project, too, I would like to customize my old jeans. I've decided to paint something on them, well, I'm going to write something on them. Probably one of Poe's poems or maybe my favourite poem from Baudelaire or some lyrics, I'm not absolutely sure now. Right now I have to buy a paint for textil and decide what to write. I would like to customize my old bag, too. I was thinking about painting some pattern, maybe something like this:

But I will have to use a template, of course and I don't know how to create it yet. Haven't you got some ideas? Also there's a quite big picture on this bag and I would like to cover it with something different, but I don't know what would go well with this patterns. I'll show you that bag later and maybe you can help me little bit? 


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