Monday, May 6, 2013

Imaginaerum movie review

Finally I saw Imaginaerum movie this weekend and... well, wow. Don't be affraid, I'm not going to spoil anything.
For first about fifteen minutes I was quite confused I didn't know what to think but then it started to get clearer and clearer and at the end I understood about 90%. There were few really cool scenes, especially the one in the circus- you could see it in storytime video and then the one with arabesque in snow ball. Before I had saw movie I had thought that the arabesque will be there just for few moments, but it was a mane theme in whole movie and it was very important in all of it's parts. At the end of the movie, I was crying like little child again, because it was really beautiful and sad. I'm really sad that it lasts only about an hour and twenty minutes, so it's quite short. But still great! And of course, Tuomas was really stunning.


Here you can watch the best part of movie for me:

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